Coca-Cola Part Time Customer Support Jobs @Remote $27/Hour
Job Details…
Hiring Organization:- Coca-Cola
Post Name: Service – Service Technician
Qualifications:- Bachelor Degree
Industry:- Private
Employment Type:- Part Time
Work Hours:- 8 Hours
Salary:- $27/Hour
Locations:- Tampa, USA
About This Job:
What does a Help Professional do at Swire Coca-Cola?
You get to work straightforwardly with the client to set up the actual area for Coca-Cola items to be served super cold! Client care and specialized expertise, such as fixing soft drink wellspring machines, makes this occupation an ideal mix. This job will cover fix demands in the Fife Region. Coca-Cola Part Time Customer Support Jobs.
Perform mechanical administrations and light remanufacturing on soft drink wellspring gear as per organization principles. Coca-Cola Part Time Customer Support Jobs.
Investigating and finding of pop wellspring gear
Keep all refrigeration gear in appropriate working condition. Coca-Cola Part Time Customer Support Jobs.
Move gear to play out all mechanical administrations on wellspring hardware including precaution upkeep, programming and restorative appearance. Coca-Cola Part Time Customer Support Jobs.
Remaining positive, functioning as a cooperative person and creating extraordinary client support situated organizations. Coca-Cola Part Time Customer Support Jobs.
Secondary School recognition or identical degree/authentication
Legitimate driver permit. Coca-Cola Part Time Customer Support Jobs.
Specialized inclination to fix machines
Capacity to lift 50 pounds. Coca-Cola Part Time Customer Support Jobs.
Adaptability to show up on Saturday or Sunday and occasions as need might arise